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Best schools for expats in Madrid

Best schools for US Expats in Madrid

June 7, 2021
Corina Carthew
Are you relocating to sunny Spain? Are you concerned about your children’s education? Don’t be.

As well as a great climate, rich culture and history, and friendly family-orientated locals, Madrid has some very impressive schools. Your children’s education certainly won’t be lacking. Read on for a rundown on some of the best schools in Madrid for US expats.

Firstly, you need to consider your children’s age. Will they be attending Primary, Middle, or Secondary school. What is your preference for languages? Do you want the curriculum to be totally in English or do you prefer a bilingual curriculum? Maybe you prefer that your children fully immerse themselves by attending a local state school?

Fortunately, Madrid can offer the US expat a range of schools catering to all your requirements. You can choose from an International School, a State-run public school, or a Private school. While the public school has no fees, the rest do.

Madrid has the most international schools on the continent, representing many different nationalities. Many are bilingual and even tri-lingual. While the fees in Madrid are higher than the national average, they are much lower than international schools in other European cities. Of the forty-eight international schools in Madrid, eight follow the American curriculum.

.Best Schools for US Expats in Madrid


Facts to know about school in Spain

  • School is compulsory from the age of six.
  • The school year runs from mid-September to mid-June, with registration beginning in May.
  • Typically the school day starts at 9 am to 2 pm for Primary, 9 am to 3 pm for the older levels.
  • Nursery or Preschool is available but not compulsory.
  • Six years of primary and four years of secondary are compulsory. After that, you have the choice to do an extra two years, known as the Bachillerato.
  • You will still find a good quota of local Spanish students attending the International Schools, meaning your children will make lots of Spanish friends.
  • There are plenty of school holidays. Two weeks at Christmas and Easter and up to ten weeks in the summer. That’s not to mention all the festival days and public holidays.
  • With the International Schools, you can be sure of native English-speaking teachers. In the state schools, the teachers will be typically Spanish though there may be a native English-speaking Auxiliar to assist.

Finding the right school for your child is an essential factor in ensuring a happy transition to a new city in a new country. Below are some of the most highly regarded schools in Madrid.

Life International School

This international school caters to children aged from 3 to 13 years old. They are aiming to include children up to 18 years shortly. Life International School offers an American curriculum that meets all the educational standards of both the Spanish and American curriculum. They also uphold strong Christian values. There is a maximum class size of  15 that ensures a pleasant learning experience for your child.

“A successful academic program needs to be engaging and inspiring. Exploratory learning is a method that fosters natural curiosity and establishes a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning. This is why at LIFE School, our teachers make the extra effort to create and prepare lessons that are engaging and uniquely memorable. Students are encouraged to pursue creative thinking and expression, delve deeper into topics, and develop an enthusiasm for learning that can unlock countless opportunities.”

You can read more about their Educational Philosophy here. To learn more about this very highly rated international school, visit their website here.

Lighthouse American School

This school is located in Valdemarin, a green leafy part of Madrid with plenty of sports fields and play areas. It caters to children from 3 to 12 years old. All the teachers are American, accredited by US universities. At Lighthouse, your children will learn Spanish, and in the third year of Elementary school, they will also begin learning Chinese as a third language.

“At Lighthouse, we will help you develop the skills that prepare you to face the unknown: creativity, innovation, curiosity, critical thinking, complex problem solving, social-emotional intelligence, and values.”

Extra-curricular activities such as chess club, roller skating, basketball, football, volleyball, cooking, and tennis are available for students.

For more information on this school, visit their website here.

The American School of Madrid

It is an International School catering to children aged from 3 to 18 years old. It is a college preparatory school that offers its students the traditional US high school diploma.

“The American School of Madrid offers students the best of both worlds, American education, and fluency in Spanish. Science, Technology, the Arts, Sports, all of our facilities are state-of-the-art. Our exceptional teachers give students the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing world, and at ASM children reach their full potential in a collaborative and invigorating environment.”

This school will prepare your children for college and claim that 98% of all students gain entry into one of their three college choices. In 2020, 49% of students gained entry into the top 100 universities in the US, UK, and Europe.

For more information on this school and the application process, check out their website here.


Best Schools for US Expats in Madrid


Aquinas American School

This Catholic, college-preparatory school caters to children from 3 to 18 years old. The American curriculum is presented in English by native English-speaking teachers.  This school’s educational beliefs are as such:-

“The family is the natural core for the growth and education of children, while school is an indispensable aid for children’s intellectual and moral growth. The school guides a child’s natural desire to learn, helping them understand the reality of things and to continuously seek answers. The school educates by encouraging children’s understanding of solid moral values in life. Education is a personal encounter between the student and the teacher. While every child grows and develops at his or her own unique pace, the teacher is their intellectual and moral reference, explaining and showing the reality, and providing means for new understanding as well as being the first reference for assessment.”

The school program includes enriching activities such as theater, music, and art. Sports, such as horse riding, paddle, soccer, basketball, tennis, and swimming, are available to students.

For more information on this school, you can visit their website here.

City Country School

This lovely school is a bilingual American Montessori school for students from the age of 3 to 16. Montessori education is a holistic approach that addresses every aspect of a child’s development: aesthetic, social, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive.

Their curriculum is:-

“Montessori is a child-centered pedagogy designed to help children with their task of self-construction as they develop through these planes, from childhood to maturity. City Country School provides a bespoke education and an environment prepared especially for the interests and abilities of each child.”

Montessori guides are fully qualified in the Montessori method and are both American and Spanish. Their programs are in both English and Spanish language with  Japanese introduced in the later years.

For more details about enrolling your child in this school, you can check out their website here.


Best Schools for US Expats in Madrid


Judy Sharp International School

This school is special, in that it caters to creative, capable students that may experience difficulties in the standard classroom. Students aged from 11 to 18 that may have learning differences such as dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, Hyperactivity Disorder, and Asperger’s Syndrome receive tuition in small groups from caring and experienced professionals. This school understands how the student’s frustration may lead to low self-esteem, a lack of motivation, and emotional problems. Their specialized learning programs assist the student in developing their strengths and overcoming any weaknesses.

“Our school is unique in Spain and, in fact, in Europe. It offers personal and specialized teaching in small groups of 3-8 students per class and an individualized program which gives students a chance to achieve academic success.”

If you wish to learn more about the curriculum and staff, you can check out their website here.

In Conclusion

Our children’s education is a paramount consideration when relocating overseas.  Your child’s education is already being enhanced by immersing in a new culture and experiencing all that Spain has to offer. Here we have listed a few schools that may make the transition faster and easier. The ability to follow the American curriculum in English makes everything less complicated, especially if your child is that bit older. In the end, your child will only benefit from this unique opportunity that you have made available to them.